Wonder how many head of livestock have traveled through this thing.
I have visions of cows, beef steers and spent bulls being loaded into the back end of an old pickup......stock panels on each side of the pickup bed to contain them while being transported to the vet, sale barn or ?...
My favorite rifle... I use it during deer season.
It's a Marlin .30-30 lever action with open sites..
I absolutely love this thing. It's light weight and accurate.
One of the places I hunt.. This pic was taken during deer season. I'm sort of an old fashioned hunter I guess. No deer stand, blind, camo or feeders. I wear my blue jeans, farm boots, warm coat, coveralls when the snow flies....
Oh yeah.. I also wear my lucky little diamond earrings. :)
They must be lucky, I'm always able to bring home a deer.
It 's a good feeling to be able to provide meat for the table. :)