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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Icky thing number 3

It's official... I'm a wuss....

I can handle huge snakes in the garden....

bumble bee eating black widows...

even black widow egg sacks...

but... Icky thing number three has me covered with goose bumps..

he's sitting there looking at me, saying... "go ahead, I dare ya.... "

and the final shot is what happened when I picked the worm up by the tail end... with my gloved hand... and he arched up towards my fingers.. wiggling as he reached for me.

I lost all composure and threw him straight into the air as I ran for the garden gate, thinking he would land on my head.

I suppose he's out there waiting for me now... lol


Chris said...

Take your bird gun and get him with some #9 shot.

Frugal Canadian Hermit said...

Is that a stinger I see on that thing? Thats definately shotgun material Jeanie. lol.

Big Dude said...

I have to say none of those really appeal to me, but I think I'd rather have the worm. Bev picked up this huge nightcrawler onetime and was showing it to me when it looked at her and flickered it's tongue - it quickly went flying over her head as well.

cowgirl said...

lol Chris.. That thought crossed my minde. :) I'm going to arm myself before going back out there.

cowgirl said...

lol Mark, It looks like a stinger.. or a horn. I think you're right about the shotgun... I could hit several with one blast. :)
Thanks Mark!

Rocco said...

so droping it to the ground and stepping on it never came to mind?

cowgirl said...

Haha.. Larry, Bev sounds just like me! Glad to hear I'm not the only one...
Thanks! :)

The Apple Pie Gal said...

I gotta say that I almost did NOT read this one because I really really didn't like looking at your spiders and I knew it was gonna be bad. Thanks for re-posting those nasty ugly pics by the way!

And then I saw that cute little worm and thought surely she is kidding!

I had to absolutely LOL that you were afraid of THAT and not a snake or spider! :) Thanks for the laugh and I am glad I read it afterall!

Chez said...

tomato sphinx larvae (hornworm) ~ will eventually turn into a moth

Josie said...

Lol, the worm is a Tobacco Horn worm(or Tomato worm)and he wont sting ya. He'll scare the fire outta ya, but he won't really hurt you(Unless he causes you hurt yourself trying to get away from him!haha)
The snakes scare me most of all, eeeewww!

Bushman said...

I'm suprised they haven't went back into the ground yet to turn into moths. I pulled something like 15 out of my garden. Check out an older post of mine entitled aliens in the garden. Yucky pictures. I sprinkeled Sevin on mine and they fell on the ground and I scooped em up for chicken feed! Good luck where there's one theres ten

MichelleZ said...

That looks like a tomato hornworm. We pick them off of our tomato plants every year, if you don't they will clean the plants down to the stem they even eat the tomatoes, and that one looks like he has had a few leaves. They are a huge problem...but the chickens just love them.

Mrs. JP said...

Looks like a job for a cowgirl boot!! YUKKK!

tennesseefarmboy said...

I think that is a tobacco hornworm. It looks exactly like the worms we used to pick off the tobacco plants long ago when I was a kid. It was not unusual to get the bottom of a coffee can covered with them in just one row.

cowgirl said...

lol Rocco, there's no way I would have stepped on that guy... he was too big! lol

cowgirl said...

lol Apple Pie Gal, I'd rather face a raging bull. lol

cowgirl said...

Chez thanks! That one is going to turn into a moth the size of batman. lol :)

cowgirl said...

lol Thanks Josie! I'm more likely to hurt myself jumpng over the garden fence. lol

cowgirl said...

ewww Bushman, that's a bunch of em.. I'll check out your post. Thanks!

Chez said...

oh good grief, yer such a fraidy cat! them big grubs make for big catfish ~ go git him & put him on a hook ... i'll heat up the skillet!!

cowgirl said...

Thanks Michelle... they are my icky thing number three that I can't handle. lol They rate right up there with mice and water dogs. lol

cowgirl said...

hahaha Mrs JP! I couldn't stand the thought of the thing exploding all over the place. I'd never get that off my boot. lol
Yeah.. I'm a wuss. :)

Unknown said...

Let your chickens into your garden...they'll clean em out...ugly but won't hurt you...I didn't say that they won't make you hurt yourself!

cowgirl said...

TennesseeFarmBoy I think you're right too! My friend Gene from Garden of Eatin Blog raises tobacco.. He says the worms get really big!!
I just checked out your blog.. Buddy looks great since you brought him home.. looks like a completely different animal.
Way to go!
Thanks TennesseeFarmboy!

cowgirl said...

LOL Chez! I'd rather pick up a rattler with my bare hand! lol
Catfish does sound danged good though. :)

cowgirl said...

Capt. Ron, I'm not sure if I trust my hens in with the tomatoes. lol
They do stand close by in case I happen to flip one up in the air and it makes it over the fence. :)
lol Thanks Capt. Ron!

Anonymous said...

This is just too funny!

The incongruity is just too much -- someone who is not afraid of facing a rattlesnake but is afraid of a small horn worm.

Jeanie, you are just too much.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste perfectly good fishin' bait!

pid said...

oh that's too funny! post and comments


cowgirl said...

lol Ron, I'm weird...
Thanks! :)

cowgirl said...

Haha... Anonymous, there is no way I'll put one on a hook. lol I'd rather feed them to my hens. :)

cowgirl said...

lol Pid...they are soooo icky! Gives me goosebumps just thinking about them. lol

Rothe Homestead Farm said...

Heh, heh, heh!
Looks like I'll never get ya to come up here to help out with the harvest. Had thousands of the little buggers here this year......worst year yet! I did manager to get my cousin's two-year-old daughter to beat them to death when she found one on the ground. Hopefully most of them are dead now.......if ya think the worms are bad, you should see the moths!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, Jeanie, the lesson here is that there are very few problems that can not be solved by a suitable application of high explosive.........or a dry martini.


cowgirl said...

lol Gene, there's a real strong chance that I won't be up your way during tobacco pickin' time! Hope the moths don't carry me away. :)
Thanks Gene!

cowgirl said...

Hahaha John.. I like the way you think! Thanks!!

cabighorse said...

Happy Weekend Cowgirl,

Have you ever attempted salt pork or salt meat? I get mine in Louisiana. The salt meat there is more meat and less like bacon.

cowgirl said...

Hi cabighorse! I do like salt pork but usually end up just cold smoking it.

Jon said...

Yep, I had a swarm of the Tomato horn worms last year, The chickens at good that day I assure you!! But i agree, they just look like a mean muthuh!

cowgirl said...

Jon aren't they mean looking! Hope they didn't do too much damage to your garden.
I've been wearing my heavy duty work gloves and picking them from the plants with a pair of pliers. lol
I just can't talk myself into touching one. :)
Thanks Jon!