I buttered my muffin tins, added the eggs and let them bake in a 350 degree oven... I let them bake for around 20 to 25 minutes, until the whites were just set. I didn't want them to be rubbery.
Also, not sure if I needed to but I poked the yolks with a fork before baking.
made my hollandaise sauce....
heated some sliced ham....
buttered and toasted split english muffins under the broiler....
topped with the hollandaise sauce and served with hashbrowns and fruit....
It was an easy breakfast for me to make even though I was half awake. :)
How long do you leave them in the oven for?
Love your Blog, thnx
They look wonderful! I think next time you have a few friends over I might just stop by and crash in a tent too! I will of course bring along something good to eat and I will even share in the chores to 'earn' my keep!
By the way how was the Joe Bonamassa concert.
Thank you Rattlesnake Hill!
I left the eggs in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes. I didn't want them to get overdone and rubbery.
I did poke the yolks with a fork before baking.
My groggy little mind kept thinking they might blow up if I didn't..( like in a microwave. lol )
They turned out just fine...
Thanks again Rattlesnake. :)
Hey Marc, I could have used your help. lol
Some of the guests did pitch in and cook, help feed animals and do chores. I still needed more help!
The concert was great.... I like Joe Bonamassa even more now. lol
What a talented guy.
Hope all is well with you Marc! :)
I have made these before... no need to poke the yolk. except for esthetics
Thanks Dave! :)
I will remember that next time.
I had visions of me cleaning egg off the inside of my oven so I opted for playing it safe. lol
Hope all is well with you, I'm enjoying your pictures!
Now that's what I call cooking for a crowd. That reminds me of a muffin like egg I used to make with egg, cheese, and spinach. I just mixed it up and baked it.
That sure is a lot easier than poaching that many eggs! Nice eggs benedict, Jeannie!
How long do you smoke your black pepper? We fumbled our way through it yesterday and went with 1 1/2 hours. Seemed to work good.
Those look great! Thanks for the step-by-step pictures, I know my family will love to have this for breakfast ;)
Mrs JP, that sounds wonderful! I will give your recipe a try too... I bet the hollandaise would go well with it too.
Thank you! :)
Thanks Chris!
When I cold smoke (about 65 to 75 degrees) the whole peppercorns I go from 4 to 6 hours.
The gound pepper mixes I smoke from 2 to 6. I stir both about every 30 minutes.
Mine seems to keep it's flavor longer if I store it in glass canning jars or any glass jars.
I bet your pepper was tasty! :)
Thanks Chris!
Thanks Patty, hope it turns out well for you!
You make mass production of breakfast look pretty easy Jeanie. And worth waking up for. Ya know if you quit doing it so good like that, maybe they would start living at there own house. lol.
:) Thank you Mark. It is nice to see my friends but I'm glad we only do this a few times during the year. :)
oh don't they look yummy!! Saw you received some goodies from Phubar last week, Phubar is phantastic! Hope you enjoy it, bye! hugs Hanneke
Hi Hanneke! Thank you, it's good to see you!
I did receive a box of goodies from Phubar, he is so thoughtful. Hope to post some picures on the Dutch forum. I'll need all of your help and advice on how to use the ingredients. :)
Thanks Hanneke.. hugs!
Wow cowgirl, you keep giving me new things to try. I'm glad we don't live close together, I would find it difficult to not want a sampling of your food every day. This is something I will try very soon on my company.
Thank you TJ!
You would be welcome at my house every day. :)
Hope you give these a try, it was an easy breakfast for a crowd.
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