I wanted to take time to mention a good friend's web site that might be of interest to smokers and grillers or anyone wanting to get started with outdoor cooking.
My Smoking Pal, Big Poppa, has a great online site offering American made grills and
so much more. :)
Big Poppa SmokersBig Poppa's site contains a
Big Poppa TV section with how-to videos for preparing anything from Prime Rib on the cooker to a simple, wonderful "Fattie". I only wish smell-o-vision were available. :)
One of my favorite things about the site is
BP's Grilling gallery ... where I get my hind end kicked on a regular basis by the outstanding smokers that hang out there. lol
If you get the time, check it out, browse over the smokers and grills..... sign into the Gallery and join in on the fun. Top three posts for the month receive Big Poppa bucks good for accessories in the store.
It's been a lot of fun sharing recipes and ideas with the talented smokers there.
Another benefit for me.... by hanging out in the gallery, I keep outta trouble. lol
Thanks Big Poppa for putting up with me! :)
If you are interested in quality guitars and accessories, check out Big Poppa's other sites.
Ernie Ball and
Music Man Guitars