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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Huevos Rancheros with Smoked Brisket Hash

I smoked a brisket the other day using bit of mesquite. I like to keep brisket simple, so I trim some of the fatcap, rub with oil and season with kosher salt and cracked black pepper.

I sauteed onions, garlic and cubed potato until tender then added some of my smoked brisket.

Seasoned well with cracked black pepper and kosher salt.

made my sauce by heating onions, garlic and minced pepper in oil, then added tomatoes, minced green chilis, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and a small pinch of oregano.

heated a corn tortilla in the sauce..

then started building...

the smoked brisket hash on top of a warm tortilla......

added a poached egg....

topped with sauce, cheese, minced green onions and cilantro.....

It was tasty! Loved the addition of the smoked brisket hash with the huevos rancheros. :)


Anonymous said...

Looks good enough to I'm on day check hours now so a good breakfast would be good to have. Problem is i'm to tired at 4:oo am... Bud.

Rocco said...

man that looks good jeanie, nice work

Unknown said...

Wow that looks great,you are a awesome cook thanks for the pics!!

Anonymous said...

I'll be right over for breakfast!

Dave in MN.

cowgirl said...

Thanks Bud! Don't feel like cooking at 4am? lol I wouldn't either.
Hope the weather has warmed up in your area. Sounded like your winter was almost as cold as mine!
Don't work too hard. :)

cowgirl said...

Thanks Rocco! I wish I had some for breakfast this morning.

Hope your new job is going well. :)

cowgirl said...

James, Thank you so much! Huevos rancheros is easy to make and so tasty. Hope you try it sometime. :)

cowgirl said...

Hey Dave! Too late but I can make another batch. :)
Hope all is well in MN!

Big Dude said...


Tim said...

Brisket hash! That's a great idea!

Looks wonderful once again!

cowgirl said...

Thank you Big Dude! :)

cowgirl said...

Tim, it was kinda tasty. I like brisket hash by itself too.
Thanks Tim! :)

Chris said...

Breakfast of champions! Wait....that was Wheaties! slogan. What kind of champion eats wheat for breakfast anyway, grab a plate of brisket hash! ;)

Creative dish, Jeanie! You rock, as always.

cowgirl said...

lol Chris, you are too funny. :)

Tony said...

I could resist. I smoked a brisket all night on the drum and it was perfect for the hash this morning. The entire dish worked out and tasted perfectly. It presents great too. Thanks for the recipe.

cowgirl said...

Tony I'm so glad to hear it turned out well for you! Thank you for letting me know. :)