I oil one pie pan, fill with biscuits, oil another pie pan for the top and wrap the whole thing in foil.
I flip the biscuit pan often and rotate to keep from burning...
Fried some hashbrowns with onions and peppers..
also pan fried some bacon.
the biscuits look kind of funny but they tasted good. :)
That's a great looking plate of campfire food. I wish I hadn't seen it before breakfast cause now I'm hungry.
love the idea, gonna use it for sure, just one question. What is on the biscuits in the last picture? Scrambled eggs maybe?
I love that idea of flipping the biscuit pan for more even baking. You are the camp fire gourmet!
I'm still in love with your rocker chair----it Rocks!!!
Thanks Larry! Seems like breakfast over a campfire is always tasty no matter what you cook. :)
Thank you Chasmosis! It was a scrambled egg/gravy mix. Kind of different but it was good. :)
Mrs JP...Thanks!
I love that little rocker... and it seems like my friends do too. I had to shoo them out of it a few times. :)
Hi cowgirl
over here in the UK a biscuit is usually a hard, sweet thing. Whats the recipe for these ones -they look great!
Hi Eveyln, Thanks!
I use a basic baking powder biscuit recipe...
2 cups of flour
3 tsp. of baking powder
1 TBs of sugar
1 tsp of salt
mix well then add 1/4 cup of shortening.
Cut the shortening into the flour mixture with a fork or pastry blender... it should look like cornmeal when finished.
then add...
3/4 cup of milk.
Blend the milk in and pat the dough out, then cut your biscuits. Or you can just form the biscuits by hand.
I like to brush the tops with either butter or an egg wash before baking but you don't have to. I don't brush them when cooking them over the campfire.
Bake 450F degrees in an oven til light brown... about 12 minutes.
OR over the campfire for about 20 minutes.
You can also add herbs and cheese to the mixture.
Hope this helps Evelyn and thanks again!
Thanks for the tip. I bought a new Dutch oven for camp cooking and don't want to juggle two of them for biscuits and gravy, so this pie plate oven looks like the way to go. Nice.
You're sure welcome Kirby, hope it works out well for ya.
I enjoy your blog! :)
You ever make "stick biscuits" when camping? Love those too!
Chris, I love stick biscuits! I haven't made them in years.. I need to do that. :)
Thanks I'll try these :-)
You're welcome Eveylyn. Hope they turn out well for you. :)
Just wanted to thank you, we were camping out and having salmon patties; had to come up with biscuits. Wasn't sure about stick biscuits. Came across your site and well I think these were the best I've ever made. Simple and easy. Looking forward to making them again.
Thank you Krogers3! I'm so happy to hear they turned out well for you!
I appreciate you taking the time to let me know too. :)
Thanks for posting this! :)
Question: about how long did you cook the biscuits for?
Thank you Elizabeth! They take about 20 to 25 minutes.
Thank you. Wonderful biscuits. They were not quite done but still tasty with gravy.
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