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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I will choose my victims wisely.......

In other words.... anyone that I can outrun is fair game. :)

The snowballs I saved during the March blizzard are ready for the 4th.


Rothe Homestead Farm said...

LOLOL!!! Make sure ya got your runnin shoes on!!!


cowgirl said...

lol Gene, Small children and the elderly better watch out! lol

(just kidding) :)

Anonymous said...

Damn, those are gonna hurt - I did that one year with my son and they were like ice when we took them out ... good thing I live on the other side of OKC!


Anonymous said...

Good thing you cut your hair or you'd be tripping on it trying to run away.


cowgirl said...

lol Craig! Good thing you live so far away. lol :)

cowgirl said...

OTT LOL! I like to plan ahead.

Mrs. JP said...

I didn't know what that was in that bag!! I was looking really close like it was some kind of spider sack or something. Can you tell I really want to hear about you killing those spiders you wrote about like 2-3 weeks ago? That really worried me I guess. ANyway, whew...I'm glad it's snow balls. Greeat idea!

cowgirl said...

lol Mrs JP, I never did kill those spiders!! I need to spray the whole barn with Raid! :)

Frugal Canadian Hermit said...

Sounds like Canada is the safest place to be for the weekend. Okies, beware.

cowgirl said...

lol Mark!
If I knew of a way to mail one to you so you could throw it at yourself... I would do it. :)

But then again, you might figure out a way to pay me back and I know you get a lot more snow up there than I do. lol

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

You are too funny!
Watch out!

cowgirl said...

lol Thank you YD!
I think this weekend will be fun. Hope you have a nice 4th too!! :)

Adorable Curmudgeon said...

a friend of mine did that once, but the thing froze solid and she knocked her (adult) son out with it!

cowgirl said...

lol oh no!! Sounds like a bad deal Curmudgeon. I know these things can hurt...not when I throw them, I can't throw worth a darn... but when I get hit, they hurt. :)
Thanks for stopping by!