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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hot Sopapillas with Cold Smoked Honey

I made some sopapillas the other day.....They are tasty sprinkled with powdered sugar and filled with honey..... I like them with a bit of cold smoked honey for a change.
(smoked honey from my smokehouse)

I mix 2 cups of flour
1 TBs of baking powder
1/2 tsp of salt
then blend in 1 TBs of shortening until mixed well
Add 2/3 cup of lukewarm water
knead for 5 minutes..then let it rest for 10 minutes.

I divide the dough in 1/2 and roll 1/2 out at a time...about 12"x 10"

Then cut into squares or any shape you like ...

Fry in hot oil or lard.. (400 degrees) til golden.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar...

Bite the end off and fill with as much smoked honey as you like. lol

They are really good when hot.


Ken said...

Looks very tasty, and very simple. My great grandmother used to make these for us when, well way back when I was young. She would tell us stories about our Cherokee ancestry, and how she learned to cook from her great grandmother including these Sopapillas, which we called Nanna's fry bread.
So thank you so much cowgirl for bringing those memories back into my fried brain cells.

and oh yes yours look verrrry good.


Frugal Canadian Hermit said...

Those look like they would be an interesting little snack. The only bad thing is, I probably would'nt know when to quit. Nice to se you are up running again Jeanie.

dracothehound said...

That looks good never had smoked honey but sounds like i will have to try this


cowgirl said...

Ken, Thank you!
I imagine your Nanna's fry bread was wonderful!
I'm glad the sopapillas brought back fond memories for you. :)

cowgirl said...

Hey Mark, hope things are warming up in your area!

Thanks.... :)

cowgirl said...

Hi Dave, hope you give these a try sometime! You can really put anything on them..cinnamon sugar is good too. :)

Hope things are warming up in your area too.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm lame, but how does one smoke honey?


cowgirl said...

Hi Susan,
I smoke pans of honey in my smokehouse at a temperature of 65 degrees. This batch was clover honey and I used a bit of pecan and apple smoked for 7 hours.

It's different and tasty. :)

Unknown said...

This looks awesome! Unfortunately I don't have such a nice smokehouse so I'm unable to do cold smoking, just a cheap little smoker I bought at Home Depot. Do you think honey would come out ok if I hot-smoked it at around 180-190 degrees?

cowgirl said...

Thanks Mcquire!
I've never tried it at that high of a temperature, but I bet it wouldn't hurt the honey. Maybe smoke it for an hour and see if it worked? Just a suggestion.
Might need to stir it more often.

If you give it a try, please let me know how it comes out. :)

Thanks Mcguire!

Anonymous said...

How did you smoke your honey? In a flat dish or ?? Does it impart much of a smoking flavor?

Incredible site. Keep up the great work here!

cowgirl said...

Hi Anonymous!
I smoke honey in flat pie pans and give it a stir every hour or so. I like to use a mild clover honey.. it takes on a very subtle smoke.
Thanks for stopping by! :)

Smokomotive said...

I like Austria we call it Polsterzipf, becouse it looks like a pillow ;-)

cowgirl said...

Thank you Chris! Polsterzipf.. I like that name, I will remember it. Thanks! :)

Smokomotive said...

Hahaa yes Polsterzipf!!!!
it´s old school vienna kitchen style.
I think in America "Polsterzipf" sounds pretty well. ;-)

cowgirl said...

:) Chris, I bet I'm not pronouncing it right but I still like the sound of it! haha..
Thank you for the information! :)

Smokomotive said...

Yessss that's Rock & Roll
The sound brings the message.

cowgirl said...

:) I like the sound of that too Chris.. Thanks!