This pic is from my backyard.
I'm happy they were able to fix the well, it means I won't have to burn dried cow patties to keep warm..... at least not yet. lol
If you are interested in raising your own shrimp, canning, smoking and preserving your own meat, fishing or sitting around a good camp fire.....we might be related. :)
I'm glad to hear that you have gas. We lost our water pump in our well for our 5 geothermals at my office this week so we froze out butts off for a full day. We didn't have any cow patties to burn. Can you send me some for back up emergency supplies? ;)
Dang Chris, that sounds cold!!
I'd be happy to supply you with the patties. lol :)
not to sound ignorant or anything but do you actually pull your natural gas for heating from a well? never heard of this around my parts since it takes refining for proper use.
Hi pid!
Yes, the gas comes from the well. It's called a "Farm Tap". The liquids are removed at the well and what I get is pure natural gas. It needs no refining to use.. all of the gasses burn.
If it were a "sour gas" well containing hydrogen sulfide... I would not be able to use it as is.
If you check out "farm taps" It explains more about it.
I'm sure the gas companies do not offer taps anymore. In this area, all of my neighbors are on farm taps... there just aren't that many ranch houses out here.
ahh, very interesting, learn something new everyday! thanks for the info
You're sure welcome pid! I feel very lucky that I have one. :)
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