I had one pan of smoked pork left from the underground pig cook, so I decided to can it.
This is a mixture of meat from the butt, ribs, loin, etc..
I heated a bbq sauce/vinegar carolina sauce mixture and added red pepper flakes for a kick...
Filled my hot sterilized quart jars with the smoked pork then filled the jars with the hot sauce....running a knife around the edge to remove any air bubbles.
I keep my lids hot...
Wipe the jar rims and place a hot lid on top...
ready to can in the pressure canner....
(follow the instructions on your canner)
Oh YUM! Can I come over for supper? LOL.
Looks like a good way to use up that left over pork. I know that someday when I am more setup for it, and not so busy with other things, I will be doing some experimenting with all this canning stuff. Looks interesting to me.
Thanks Amy, It's kind of tasty! Come on over. lol :)
Mark, I think you will like it! The canning part I mean. :)
If you are able to grow more tomatoes next year and a few other things, you'll never have to go to town. (well not really) but it sure is nice having this stuff on hand.
Thanks Mark! :)
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