I can't believe all of the goodies.
There are things in this box that I've never even heard of. :)
Chile spiced mango and pineapple, orange flavored cranberries, black pepper sauce, belgium chocolate, pasta, mustard, vinegar, coffee... just Wow! Rocco, your thoughtfulness is amazing... I'm not sure how I can repay you for your generosity!
Thank you, hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Well Jeanie,
I could not let some "ernie ball" guy one up me now could I. And then there's the fact that I'm kinda sweet on you too!
What a wonderful gift you got. mmm...can you let Rocco know where he can find my blog??? *smile*
Merry Christmas and enjoy your goodies!
lol Rocco.... No need to try to out do anyone. I hope you know your friendship is enough.
Thank you again. :)
lol Diane-Sage I'm not sure I'm familiar with your blog. I'll look for it.
Rocco definately surprised me with this gift, He's a kind friend.
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