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Sunday, June 14, 2009
Terry Tompkins
Terry Tompkins, Big Arm Montana....... The world has lost one hell of a good man. An amazing friend.
Terry was my guardian angel on earth, I like to think he is still looking out for me from above.
This is hard times when you have a loss of a good friend and yes we hope they are looking down on you all the time and dont be sad think of the good times you had that is what counts
Thank you for the kind words Bushidoka, Chris, Jeff and Dave. Terry was a good man and was loved by many. Please keep Terry's family in your thoughts and prayers too.
I was so thankful I came across your blog and saw the wonderful pictures of Terry...I'm in shock, I don't think it's sunk in yet...is there anyway I could get a copy of these? Andi Hurtig po box 487 pablo, mt 59855 He was truly a one of a kind man...the picture of him shoveling snow!! Last winter I think that's all he did was take care of neighbors! I will miss him forever.
Jerry.... Thanks for that. I know darned well he is watching down over you too. We were lucky to have known such a fine man and good friend. I will miss him terribly and know you will too. Hugs to you Jerry.
Adrianne, I will get the pictures to you. I have several more but picked out the ones that I thought he would like best. The view from his deck, moving snow, his smokehouse, Dixie, the birthday party, the time the bike fell over and he couldn't get it back up. So many fond memories of Terry. He touched many lives.
Thanks for the hug. When I heard the news I did something that is very rare for me, I teared up. I will truly miss ribbing back and forth with him. He was one of A kind.
Ron, thank you. I'm sorry to hear of your diabetes.. please take good care of youself. Or I will come up to Chicago and kick your hind ehd. That's a promise!
Hey cowgirl. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. It looks as though he was a good person and very well liked. Peace be with you and your friends.
Born and raised in the country, I Love wide open spaces.
Enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, and any form of outdoor cooking, hot, warm and cold smoking. Preserving what I hunt, catch, raise or forage. I enjoy being able to provide food for my table.
I'm thankful for each day and will never take anything for granted.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Sorry for your loss :-(
Very nice tribute. Looks like he lived life to the fullest.
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm sure he's watching out for you and always will.
This is hard times when you have a loss of a good friend and yes we hope they are looking down on you all the time and dont be sad think of the good times you had that is what counts
Thank you for the kind words Bushidoka, Chris, Jeff and Dave.
Terry was a good man and was loved by many.
Please keep Terry's family in your thoughts and prayers too.
Thank you!
Jeanie You can bet that ole Terry is lookin down and watching over you.
Jerry (kratzx4)
I was so thankful I came across your blog and saw the wonderful pictures of Terry...I'm in shock, I don't think it's sunk in yet...is there anyway I could get a copy of these? Andi Hurtig po box 487 pablo, mt 59855
He was truly a one of a kind man...the picture of him shoveling snow!! Last winter I think that's all he did was take care of neighbors! I will miss him forever.
We are sorry for his family and your loss and will keep all of you in our prayers.
You did a good tribute for your friend.
Jerry.... Thanks for that. I know darned well he is watching down over you too.
We were lucky to have known such a fine man and good friend. I will miss him terribly and know you will too.
Hugs to you Jerry.
Adrianne, I will get the pictures to you. I have several more but picked out the ones that I thought he would like best.
The view from his deck, moving snow, his smokehouse, Dixie, the birthday party, the time the bike fell over and he couldn't get it back up.
So many fond memories of Terry.
He touched many lives.
Thank you Mrs JP,
I appreciate your kindness.
So Sorry to hear about your friend.
I too am a diabetic,and it is scary.
Prayers-n-thoughts go out to you and Terry's family.
Thanks for the hug. When I heard the news I did something that is very rare for me, I teared up. I will truly miss ribbing back and forth with him. He was one of A kind.
Ron, thank you.
I'm sorry to hear of your diabetes.. please take good care of youself. Or I will come up to Chicago and kick your hind ehd. That's a promise!
Jerry, I'm sure that if there is any way Terry could rib you from above, he would do it. He loved the time you two spent bantering.
You were not alone in your tears Jerry.... (((HUGS))) again.
Really sorry to hear about your friend Terry, Jeanie. From what I seen and heard, he seems like pretty good fellow.
Thank you Mark, I know you would have enjoyed knowing him too. He was a one of a kind cowboy.
Hope you are doing well. It's good to see ya.
STILL thinking of you! (((HUGS))) from central NY.
DINGLE... Thank you!
I know Terry will be missed by many.
Love and (((HUGS))) back to you!!
Hey cowgirl. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. It looks as though he was a good person and very well liked. Peace be with you and your friends.
The Dude Abides
aka Jay
Hey Jay, Thank you....I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I'm sure you would have liked Terry too, he was a good soul.
Hope all is well with you Jay, it's good to see you.
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