I used part of the sausage for the gumbo and stuffed the rest into casings for future use.
Should be tasty on the smoker. :)
The gumbo and sausage recipes...
If you are interested in raising your own shrimp, canning, smoking and preserving your own meat, fishing or sitting around a good camp fire.....we might be related. :)
Mmmm... looks good. I'm going to have to try your recipe next time I make some sausage. Are those collagen casings your using?
Thanks Mike!
Yes they are collagen casings. I used them because they were handy at the moment. :)
Hope the recipe works for you! I fried up a patty to test the flavor before making the andouille balls, it has a nice little kick to it, but it wasn't hot. :)
Good luck to ya! :)
Love your web sight, I follow it almost every day, and am saddened when you go a few days with out posting it's like watching The Truman Show. I love to cook, and I have used a lot of your recipes, the Canadian bacon recipe is one I am waiting for....... just cant seem to find any tender quick around the Carolinas.
The time that you put into this web is extraordinaire, but
Thank You............
Ken, thank you so much for the kind words. I appreciate it!
I was just looking at my posts for January this morning.... I need to get busy and post more. lol
Not sure if my everyday postings would be interesting enough...But I will definately try to post more. :)
You might be able to find tenderquick online. I think there is a web site...maybe just under Morton's ....
Hope you are able to give the bacon a try. The dry rub cure is the most reliable... it seems to come out just right every time.
Thank you for trying out my recipes, hope they are working out for you.
Again, thank you so much for the kind words and thank you for checking out my blog. :)
Well, SMF is down again so I'm came here to get my afternoon qview fix. Qview is like a drug...I gotta have it!! :-)
I might try your andouille recipe this weekend for some gumbo. Although I admit that when I make gumbo I don't make it from scratch like you. I pick up a box of Zatarain's and then jazz it up a bit.
:) I need to get busy and make some more posts so you will have something new to look at here Becky. lol
I hope the sausage works out well for you. I've never tried Zatarans...bet it's good stuff!!
Hope you have a great weekend! :)
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