The weedburner came in handy for starting the fire...
I cooked some bacon for the hominy and a few onions and peppers for the fajitas..
I marinated a venison backstrap (cut in half) and two flat iron steaks.. threw them on the fire and added onions, garlic, hominy, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes to the skillet of the bacon drippings.
heated tortillas...
my venison fajita.... The next morning I fried some sausage patties and heated the slices of the venison backstrap.
toasted some english muffins...topped them with the venison backstrap..
a couple of eggs over easy and then I made a hollandaise sauce to top it off...
The venison backstrap benedict was sooooo tasty. :) One of my favorite breakfasts while out there.
I am ready to go back .. the weekend was extra nice for some reason. Maybe I was just overdue for a campout. :)
You're an amazing campfire cook. Your open-air meals are better than most folks can make in the kitchen. I used to camp some and always preferred it being cool enough that the campfire was actually needed. Did you catch anything?
Great food, fresh air, life is good!
Thanks Phil! I like venison over a fire.... it seems to be one of my favorites.
Hope you had a nice weekend too. :)
lol Larry, I still owe you an e-mail!! I haven't forgotten!!
Thanks for the nice comment.
I love cooking over a fire. :)
The air was nice and crisp so the campfire did feel nice.
Only caught 2 fish and another one was given to me. :)
It was a fun weekend though.
Thanks again Larry!
Thanks David! It felt good to be out there. :)
If your as comfortable in the outdoors as you are when your home, your doing it right.
It's apparent from your many post that you all are very comfortable in the great outdoors!
The key to great outdoor living is not to fight the elements but to embrace them and work with nature not against it, IMHO.
Looks and sounds like ya got it licked.
God bless, K.
Kevin, you are so kind..Thank you!! :)
good gawd woman you made me want to toss out my S.S. whisk grab a tree branch, a hollowed out coconut shell crack in some guinea hen eggs add in some wild boar and toss it all in my unseasoned cast iron skillet and cook it over an open fire in my living room!!
AWESOME pics and dang good looking chow!!!
lol Thanks Kinky Kitchen!! :)
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