Had pictures of him in my head while smoking this mystery-meat pre-formed grocery store ham...
If it had a tail...
I think I might need to step away from the smokers and go camping for a few days. :)
If you are interested in raising your own shrimp, canning, smoking and preserving your own meat, fishing or sitting around a good camp fire.....we might be related. :)
How is smoked armadillo by the way
hmm.. I wonder what Armadillo would taste like? blech.
Haha. I don't blame you . ;)
Larry, I hear that it tastes like chicken.. if you try it, let me know. lol
lol Phil.. I've talked to people who like armadillo stew.
I'm not sure if I would try it.. I guess I might if someone who knew what they were doing cooked it. :)
lol Linda.. I think I could carve a tail out of ham and trick a few people... might have to try that sometime! :)
lol. He's kinda cute Jeanie. I think you better send me one of those, would ya? lol. No actually, just kidding, just incase. I would'nt want him to get held up at customs.
When i was younger I ate armadillo and it was good...for like of a better word it tasted like armadillo. I quit eating them when they got to talking about them having leprosy. There meat is a beautiful white that is moist. I may try another one some day.
lol Mark, I still have my list of things I'm gonna send to you..
an armadillo, rattlesnake, tarantula and a brisket. :)
I'm sure there are other things.. you need a tumble weed too. lol
Next armadillo I catch is headin' to Canada. :)
Thanks Mark...
Mickey thank you for the info! I have heard they are tasty..
The leprosy part makes me leary of them too.
If you happen to try one again, let me know!
Thanks for stopping by, it's nice to meet you. :)
Wow, I'm just glad it wasn't a picture of a snake!!
lol Mrs JP! or a spider! :)
Snake season is here.. time to watch where I step. lol
It's never a bad time to go camping.
Well said Kirby!
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