Right now the dirt seeps through any crack it can find.....filtering into the house.
I can taste it.
If it keeps this up I will wet a bandana to cover my mouth and nose.
I'm sorry to hear of the deaths last night due to tornadoes. Makes me glad I'm just eatin' a little dirt.
I hear ya! They are whipping thru here too. Hang tight and grab that chicken before she starts laying scrambled eggs:)
That's a good perspective. Eating dirt is better than blowing across the yard like a tumble weed.
Hens blowing across the yard WOW! Stay safe...
It is raining here again...:(
I would gladly trade some of this wet weather for a bit of your dry dirt......If only Mother Nature co-operate...:)
lol Bushman, good advice!
:) It sure is Mrs JP!
Rick I'd trade you! I have rocks in my pockets so I won't blow away. :)
Glad to hear you're okay, It's coming through here tonight.
LoL, I can just see that poor chicken,all feathers and no traction!!! Blessings jane
Oh man I so understand the wet bandana! We have had crazy wind down here in west texas too... mixed with wildfires... Its so dry its hard to breathe...and when the dirt starts blowing its even worse...
when i was in the navy i lived in spain for seven years. there it would rain mud. when the winds picked up in africa and came across the straights. they would pick up moisture. then it would rain mud...no sh!@. Buddy
Larry Thanks! Hope you keep safe too!
:) Jane...it was quite a funny site! Thanks
WestTexas I think we are gettin' some of the same weather! Hope those grass fires don't get close to you. Thanks!
Buddy that would be a sight! I don't know if I've ever told you, but Thanks for your service. I appreciate what you have done for me.
you truly are a rare find jeany. thankyou...Bud
Have you any windrows left out there from the "dirty thirties" to catch the dirt? Or have they all been torn out?
From the looks of your pics, you don't have much vegetation to worry about wildfires out your way.
Good luck and hang on tight!!
I know what you mean. It's a bit crazy today, but I'm glad it's just wind here so far.
Stay safe!
P.S. Hope your hen is okay. ;)
Bud, Thanks... :)
Hi Creaky,
Just the small amount of dirt blowing this week makes me glad I wasn't around during the dirty 30's!
There's enough dry matter around here to make fires a problem. Combined with this wind and it's a nightmare...We need rain sooooo badly!
Please send any extra this way. :)
Linda I hope you stay safe too!
The hen is running around chasing bugs today.. :)
It's windy in Montana today but not that windy! our rooster was caught off guard by a gust of wind and did a bill plant on the ground it's not nice but I had to giggle. I'll try to send you some rain stay safe!:)
Montana Girl
Glad you were safe from the tornados, but we got all your dust down here in SE TX. Hope things calm down up there.
Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed a giggle. Thanks Montana Girl. :)
Thank you TJ! Glad you are safe too...it's going to be a long tornado season.
Isn't that dust something else? Whew! Makes it hard to breath.
Hope all is well with you and family. Keep safe! :)
Jeannie, if we had any rain to spare, I would love to send some your way. Unfortunately, since the February snow storms, we haven't had any moisture other than dew and frost. I can't even fire up my smokers right now!! Had a bit of rain just before the weekend, but not enough to ease things...
Good luck, and I hope you get your rain.
Shoot Creaky, sounds like you've got it bad in your area.
If I get rain, I'll send some your way too.
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