I'm glad the dogs raise heck when they see one in the yard, they've warned me on more than one occasion.
Just wish this wouldn't have happened.
The vet says he will be fine.... sore but fine. :)
If you are interested in raising your own shrimp, canning, smoking and preserving your own meat, fishing or sitting around a good camp fire.....we might be related. :)
So scary! Poor pup... glad she'll be okay :) Rattlers scare the bejeebus outta me!
That is awful, but I'm glad he's going to be ok. Has he had the Rattlesnake vaccine?
Poor fellow, glad he will be ok. One of the hazards of country living - it's usually copperheads around Almost Heaven South.
Awww! What a brave little guy. Much love to the hero of the hero of the day! I hope that bite gets better soon.
The vet must know what he's talking about, I suppose. I sure do hope your little buddy has a real quick recovery. That sucks.
I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Dogs are such good friends and an important part of ranch life. I'm sure that he will get some extra attention and some extra "snacks" while he recovers.
I just lost my old dog last week, she was 13+. :(
Thanks Mama Bean! He's so sore today, I'm sure he will be for a few days.
I'm not fond of rattlers in the yard.
Thank you Rattlesnake Hill, He's didn't have the vaccine, but I'm going to get one for all 3 of my dogs.
Dude, I'm really glad there are no copperheads around the farm. :)
Thank you Sara, he was so brave.... He's a good friend. :)
Mark, I think the vet knows what he's talking about. I hope so anyway. :) I forgot I was going to send a rattlesnake to you.. maybe I'll send the next one. lol
Thanks Mark!
Rick, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.. I'm sure she was part of the family.
13+ is a long life for a dog..bet she had a wonderful life with you.
Thanks Rick..
Well I am glad to hear your BBQ Buddy will be fine. I like to think, my BBQ Buddies (although they be cats) would defend me and my space with such loyalty. They do when it comes to lizards, birds and insects so I don't think it is a far stretch to think they would take on a rattler.
Give him a kiss on his nose to make him feel better and tell him its from me. Then ask him to do the same to you, also from me.
Reminds me of when we first moved to the country, my wife got bit but couldn't describe the snake although it looked like it didn't really puncture the skin. She said her foot was turning numb so we rushed her to the hospital where they told her to have a seat and we waited an hour. Her foot didn't get any worse and when we got into see the dr. you could see it was a rat snake that had bit her.
The Dr. said there are no snakes that will kill you in our neck of the woods, if you don't swell up or turn black in the first 1/2 hr, don't worry about it, so go home. Lesson learned.
OH MY!!! I'm glad pup will be okay. I am absolutely phobic of snakes,,,even the so called "good ones." Last year I went to visit my sister-in-law and when I started to leave I saw black snake under my truck so there I am on her porch while she runs it away. Oh yea, I was freakin out. My fear is that they are faster than me and will come at me. Please don't say they are more afraid of me than I am of them! LOL
When I lived in Tx I had a dog that got bit in the neck. There was alot of swelling but he was fine in a couple days. Dang if he didn't get bit again a couple weeks later. Great companion but not too bright. Died of old age tho...
lol Marc, thanks! I'm sure your BBQ buddies are great protectors!
Wow TJ, I'm glad to hear the bite wasn't poisonous! That must have been scary for your Mrs though.
Thanks TJ!
lol Mrs JP, I believe you must be more afraid of them than they are you. :)
That sounds scary.. I know what you mean too. If one chased me I'm not sure what I'd do! Wish all snakes were slow. :)
Thanks Mrs JP!
Wow Rawtalent, I'm glad to hear your dog pulled through. Two bites so close together must have been pretty painful for him.
My dog is looking a lot better today. Still puffed up but it's not getting any worse.
Thanks Rawtalent!
Dogs truly are mans and womans best friend and would give there life for us, glad to hear your BBQ buddy will be ok! one good thing about liveing in upstate NY is that poisonous snakes are few and far between, I have never seen a poisonous snake where I live and have only heard of a few people ever seeing one. there are a few timber rattlers in the adirondack mountains,and they are rarely seen, and there is a hefty fine for killing one!
I hope your buddy makes a speedy recovery.
That would be nice Em... to not worry constantly about running into poisonous snakes. You are lucky! :)
My dog is doing so much better...
Thanks Em!
Glad ta hear your buddy's gonna be okay! I'm thinkin he deserves a nice juicy steak for protecting his mama.
Atta Boy!! :)
Hey Gene! How in the heck are you doing? :)
I've been giving him extra treats of meat.. but hiding his medicine inside of it. lol
He'd probably enjoy a nice steak.
Thanks!! ..and tell Diesel Hi!
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