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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Party Food

These are pictures of a few of the meals from the 10 day get together here a few weeks ago...

One night we had a pulled pork tostada bar....

we ate several breakfast burritos.. they were easy to put together...

went through piles of sliders....

the easy eggs benedict...

made a huge pot of chicken and noodles one day... it was a hit.

one morning we made huevos rancheros with corned beef hash...

smoked ribs....

bacon wrapped corn, smoked chicken and cayenne/brownsugar/whiskey smoked spam...

the smoked spam made a nice snack while we played pool...

abts, some were stuffed with a crab/cream cheese mix...

the bacon wrapped corn disappeared fast...

it was cold out but some were brave enough to sit by the fire ring...

I didn't get pictures of the pans of lasagna, pots of gumbo, and the other meals we went through... I was just too busy.

Now that I think back on the gathering... it was really a lot of fun. Even though it took me a week to recover.
Sounds like we might be doing this again in July! That will either give me time to get prepared...or move. :)


Chez said...

how come I wasn't invited to this party ... huhhh?? thinkin' I might hafta throw my gittar, feeshin' poles & sleepin' bag in my truck and head down yer way in july....(g)

Big Dude said...

Damn Jeanie. What's a feller got to do to get on your invite list? I'll sleep in my car and bath in your shrimp pond for these vittles. Everyting looks so good and you must have a giant egg poacher

cowgirl said...

Chez, you would fit right in! I'd probably put you to work helping me cook too! lol

Chez said...

ida be glad to help cook, cher ... as long as i git to participate in the pillow fight! i ain't been to a good pillow fight since me & my frat brothers raided dat sorority house back in '84

cowgirl said...

lol Larry thanks! Stop by and pick up Chez on your way. :)
I used muffin tins for the eggs.. it saved a lot of time!

cowgirl said...

Hahaha Chez, I forgot about that! Bring your pillow and be prepared to defend yourself! lol

Frugal Canadian Hermit said...

I'm gonna come along too Jeanie. Thats July is it? I probably won't help you much in the cooking department, I'll just stay outta the way and be your #1 food sampler, ok? I would be happy to help out with the livestock a bit though.

tjus77 said...

I wanna come... I'll pay and help cook and clean dishes.... he he he. Well if nothing else you ate well, which is the most important thing right?

cowgirl said...

Mark, that sounds like a great idea! You can be in charge of feeding the horses, cows, pigs and chickens...
Don't forget to bring your pillow! lol

cowgirl said...

lol TJ, that sounds great to me! Chez and Larry can do the cooking, Mark can take care of the livestock.... with you washing the dishes, I'll be able to sit back and relax! :)
Thanks TJ!

Mrs. JP said...

Have you ever considered charging for a night's stay? You should seriously run a bed and breakfast.

Chez said...

mais, i was afraid this was gonna happen ~ be just my luck to show up for dat pillow fight, and there be nuthin' but dudes there!! you gonna invite all yer girlfriends, right cowgirl?? (g)

cowgirl said...

lol Mrs JP, that would be way too much work for me. :)

cowgirl said...

Chez, all dudes sounds pretty good to me!! lol The girls are the ones that started this, I'm sure they will all be back. :)

Jeff said...

Yummy...I keep wondering if you make Pizza? and what that might look like, how you would do it and what you would put on it? :)

cowgirl said...

lol Jeff, I do make pizzas!

Sometimes I cook them in my drum smoker. :)

Thanks Jeff. :)

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

I am sure hoping my invitation is in the mail for your next party

cowgirl said...

Shoot Dave, you might have to swim to get here... but it wouldn't be a party without ya! :)