I've been feeding the kittens with a small syringe and was able to switch them to a baby bottle last night. There are 4 kittens. Right now they seem to be doing fine. All I can do is feed them, and give them a lot of love. :)
I'm looking for a surrogate cat to take over for me.
Can I be Your surrogate?
Thats a shame about the coyotes, I've got a 30/06!!!!
Bet you are a good mother thou!!!
Hey Jeanie hope momma cat turns back up. Until then, can't you just use calving formula for them? I have also heard you use soy milk like you give newborn babies but not sure.
lol Ken, Somedays I do think I need a surrogate. lol
I'll box up the kittens and send them your way. :)
Hi David!
I'm actually using kitten formula. Had planned on using calf formula but found this kitten one in a can. :)
I'm still hoping to sneak these in with another batch of barn kittens.
I'm sure with your care the kittens will be fine. Just don't get no funny Smokin' ideas.lol Good to see ya didn't get blown away by the storms.
Taste tester
Thank you Official Taste Tester!
The kittens are still growing. Hope all goes well with them.
Don't worry...no funny smokin' plans. lol
The storms missed me! woohoo! :)
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