My Father taught me a lot about self reliance.
The "you shoot it or catch clean it" rule was instilled in me at an early age. lol
I process my own deer. These pictures are future burger, sausage, steaks, pastrami, etc.. from the little buck I got on day 2 of deer season.
It does feel good to have a bit of venison stashed away for the winter months. :)
Geez, you do your own butchering too? You can't be real, you're too perfect! lol.
Hey Cowgirl looks good. You should be very proud of yourself being self reliant and learning what your father taught you. I don't see how city people can live with themselves being so reliant on the government and conveniences that are nearby. But when there is any kind of disaster they freak out. They never learn.
lol Mike...I'm real.
Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it. :)
David, Thank you!
I do feel very fortunate to have been raised in the country.... and to have been raised by a father that took the time to teach me so much....
He was truly a man to look up to.
Yep, I agree with Dave and Mike....Fine Job! Congratulations to your Father for teaching and to you for paying attention.
Your pictures give me the itch to get on out and snap a cap & stack my own freezer. Sadly, I won't have time until later in the season. Which is probably the reason I've been checking your site so often lately.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I grew up on a farm where when we wanted to eat chicken grandma killed it, plucked it and cooked it. Once a year grandpa slaughtered some hogs for bacon, sausage and other good things.
I'll never forget the smell of his smokehouse, just wonderful.
I lived most of my adult live in big cities, but the older I get the more I am relearning the skills that were natural to my folks on the farm. I've got a crock of sauerkraut in the basement and I have started smoking my own meats. Self reliance is all good.
It’s really all about responsibility. From the moment you pull the trigger, to the first mouthful of venison steak; taking life to sustain life comes with responsibility. By processing your own meat you exercise that extra care and make that essential connection.
Thank you rdp! I appreciate you checking out my blog and I do appreciate your kind words. :)
I was my father's shadow so to speak...the lessons I learned at his side are priceless to me... I feel very fortunate to have had such caring parents. :)
Good luck to you when you get to go out.. Also, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)
Andy, with your upbringing, I'm sure you understand the way I live. :) Raising my own food, processing and smoking my own meat. It's a feeling like no other.
My hat's off to you for returning to a lifestyle you enjoyed so much. I bet your home made sauerkraut and smoked meats are wonderful!
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Anonymous....Well said!!
It IS about responsibility. I couldn't have said it better.
Thank you for your post. :)
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too. :)
Hey, that looks soooo good!!
I'm counting the days till deer season! ;)
Just logged on and found your blog, your a alright girl in my book 'cuz ya hunt and your a country girl!!!!!
Josie of the Prairie
Hey Thank you Josie!
I still have quite a bit of venison left to use up before season gets here.
Hope you have good luck hunting!
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