All of the grilling, BBQing, smokes, underground cooks, cinderblock pit cooks, openfire cooks, etc. have been noticed.
A big "Thank You" to the folks at Friends Eat for the award and for allowing my blog to be added to the list of contestants on such short notice.
I also want to thank everyone who voted, that was very kind of you!
Good friend Marty nominated my blog for the contest..Thanks again Marty!
He has plans on trying this again next year...only getting in at the beginning of the contest. To quote Marty.."#2 sure ain't bad with only about 4 days of voting time ".
I'm sure I will still be cooking a year from now, not sure if I will be blogging. If so, I might be game to try it again. :)
Thanks again friends....
It should have been 1st! :)
Well deserved Congratulations! :)
Congrats Jeanie!!! VERY deserving...And as much as I support your right to do whatever you want with your life, I for one hope you continue to blog about it. :) We'd sure miss you if you didn't.
Your Friend
from Grilling with Rich dot com!
Congrats and not a surprise to me - your blog is great.
Congrats Jeanie!!! You deserve it, what a great blog you have! Don
Well, congratulations to you! Now, where's the cookbook I've been wanting you to do?
haha RO Thanks! Lend me your turtle recipe and I might win next year! :)
Thank you Linda! (((HUGS)))
Thanks Dave, you're a sweet friend. :)
Richard thank you! Congratulations to you too!! :)
Larry you are so kind, thanks friend. I appreciate it! :)
Don thank you! I have been thinking of you all day. lol
I wanted to make your cajun crackers...bought a new box of saltines but forgot the ranch mix. I'll let you know when I get a batch made, they look so good!
Thanks again...
haha Mrs JP thanks! You'll be the first one to know when I get one put together. (((HUGS)))
Hay Jeanie! I had no doughts that your blog would do well! I hope your feeling better. Don't stop bloging I would have to sell my farm and come to Okla. so i could see what's cooking. lol Hope you have a blessed day! Your friend Mark:)
Hey Mark! Thank you! :)
I'm working on feeling better..thanks.
lol Don't want you to have to sell your farm, I'll keep ya posted on what I'm up to.
Hope you are having a great night!.
Thanks Friend...
"I can't believe it! My love of outdoor cooking has been noticed. :)"
You betcha! If I could only do 1/100 of what you do.
Keep it up. I'm watching & learning.
Cowgirl, no one is more deserving. Way to go. Your are #1 in our books.
-Rueben_ (:{
Outstanding! You deserve the recognition and praise.
If I may suggest, please go slowly in regards to making any important decisions just yet. Give yourself time to come to terms with your loss, to grieve and heal. I know the old saying about Time healing all wounds is trite sounding, but it does.
Give yourself time. After the fog lifts, then follow your heart.
God bless you and yours, K.
Bud you are so sweet.. Thanks! (((HUG))) :)
Rueben thanks!! I appreciate your friendship. :)
Thank you so much Kevin. I really appreciate your advice too. You are right about being in a fog...
I'll take your advice and give it time.
Thanks friend...
Congrats Jeannie,your blog is great!!!
greets from the Netherlands
Congrats on the award. I have always said that your blog is so special because you make a snapshot of your day just seem so natural, I enjoy your wonderful pictures and all your smoking gear. hope your still cooking and blogging for many years but most of all I hope your enjoying life. I hope you have time to post some on the q joint and smoking meats forums.
Wow, this is super fantastically full of awesomeness!
Congratulations Jeanie! Well deserved indeed!
Thank you Marc! :)
NotBob thank you, I have enjoyed getting to know you for the last few years. Thanks for being such a good friend. Wish I could give ya a hug. :)
Hey Joe! It's good to see ya. :)
Thank you...
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hey Jeanie
I told you someday your going to be famous. Congratulations!!!
Well Deserved! I hope you decide to keep this going:)
:) Dave, I remember! Thanks friend. (((HUGS))) back atcha :)
Thank you D. Guth! :)
Jeanie, I just recently started looking at your blog, and I defiantly love it! (I even took a rim off of my parts tractor to make a fire ring!) It’s where I come to look for something unique and tasty to cook up! It’s well deserved and I’m sure you will place number 1 next year! Congratulations! "YAY FOR JEANIE!!!!"
Thanks Chris!! :)
Hey, that's great about your tractor rim! I really love mine. :)
A late congrats to you Jeanie. It was a well deserved award. I'm surprised you did'tn get first though myself. Maybe next year.
Thanks Mark! I was pretty honored to even be nominated. The second place award was a shocker.
Hope you have a great weekend! :)
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