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Monday, June 7, 2010

Camp pics and catfish...

I spent last week on the back side of this little lake...camped along the river below the spillway.
It was a really pretty area...

I took my favorite little camp rocking chair with me.... :)

I managed to bring several bags of catfish filets home....

someone brought in a gar that was tangled on a line....

evenings by the campfire and star gazing were my favorite....

At the end of the week the campground did get busy. I had a nice time but was ready to come home for some quiet. :)


Mrs. JP said...

What a beautiful place to camp. Hey now, I like that chair. A camp rocker, very cool. Isn't it a blessing to come home though. I guess I'm just an old home body, JP had his vacation a couple of weeks ago. We couldn't think of anywhere we'd want to be but right here!

Big Dude said...

That looks like a stringer full of good eats you got hanging there.

cowgirl said...

It was a pretty place for camping Mrs JP.
I enjoyed most of it but like you said, it's nice to be home.
I can understand why you and Mr JP didn't want to leave on have a beautiful place! :)
Thanks Mrs JP!

cowgirl said...

Thank you Larry, We fried some up one night...they were so tasty. :)

mountain plant man said...

Looks like you had a relaxing and succesful trip. How far from home did you have to go?

cowgirl said...

Hi Mountain Plant Man,
It was about a 4 1/2 to 5 hr drive.. I've camped here before and really enjoyed it. This time there were 5 of us camping.

Old Smoke said...

That is nice stringer of cats. I'm envious, my last stringer of trout was a lot smaller. We're going to the eastern slope of the Sierras (backside of Yosemite) on the 21st with 4 or 5 other couples we catch more fish there.

See ya

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Looks like a nice place to camp! Looks at all the catfish! They sure are good eatin'!

cowgirl said...

Hey Rick, your trip sounds like a lot of fun! Hope you catch plenty of trout.
I'm not sure how many we caught over the week but everyone went home with baggies of filets. It was nice. :)

Thanks Rick!

cowgirl said...

Thank you YD, it was a lot of fun. I love catfish too. :)

Chris said...

Can you eat a gar?

cowgirl said...

Chris, I really do not know.
We discussed whether or not they were edible, then decided we would try it if we were hungry...
then we set it free. :)

Maybe next time I will fry one up. :)

Anonymous said...

Cajuns make gar balls. here's a recipe:


Anonymous said...

In regards to the question about whether gar is edible, the answer is yes. I once had an acquaintance that fished specifically for gar so that she could have it to eat.

It is all in knowing how to prepare it.

In another instance, several years ago I worked with a lady who originally came from Czechoslovakia. I engaged her in conversation one day and she said that she was going fishing. I asked her if she fished for bass or catfish. To my amazement, she said that she preferred fishing for carp. She then related that when she arrived in the US, she was surprised that people here do not like carp. Her comment was that growing up in Czechoslovakia, her mother taught her how to properly prepare carp many different ways.

In other words, we do not know how to properly prepare what we consider as trash fish, i.e., gar and carp, etc.


cowgirl said...

Frognot Thank you!! I make crawfish balls using similar ingredients.. I will give your recipe a try next time. Thanks so much for the link..
also... it's good to see ya! :)

cowgirl said...

Thank you Len... you are so right. If we knew how to prepare some of the fish correctly we'd probably love it. Makes me wonder how much I'm missing out on. :)
I do love carp when it's pressure canned...the bones pretty much desolve like canned salmon.
Thank you so much for the info Len, I apprecitate you stopping by too!