I saw a few whitetail this morning but didn't take a shot. ( I might regret that later). :)
I enjoy the hunting part as much as harvesting the meat for winter, so I prolong deer season as long as I am able..... Which is 2 weeks here.
It was a nice day. :)
I'm pretty confident that you'll still get your deer this year Jeanie. But if you don't maybe I'll send you one from here in trade for an armadillo.
I understand your dilemna. I too am a last minute shooter. Except bow season. We get 15 days of gun season here in michigan. I have passsed a few small bucks and a bunch of does. I have tags for four deer however pulling the trigger sometimes spoils the hunt. I think you know what I'm talking about. Good luck.
Gorgeous capture of the sunset.
What do you use for deer, a .30-06? Can't wait to hear about your adventures this season.
can't imagine such a short deer season..bow runs oct 15 - jan 31 and gun runs nov 22 - jan 31 so we never have to rush the hunt...love your site..lp
lol Mark, that sounds like a fair trade to me. I might even throw in a rattlesnake and a tarantula.
I almost caught that one armadillo while camping this summer. Sure made a fool of myself while trying. lol
Thanks Mark!
Bushman, I know exactly what you're taling about. :) Once you pull the trigger the work begins.
Good luck with your hunt!
Thank you Chris!
I use a 30-30 open sites....but have a 243 too. It's just nice getting out there to enjoy the day. :)
Thanks lp!
I wish rifle season was a bit longer. Bow and black powder have been going on for awhile... If I had the time I'd take them up.
There is a short doe rifle season again sometime in December.
Good luck to you with the hunt and thanks for stopping by! :)
My father-in-law came home with two hogs, about 150 pounds and 200 pounds. He told me he has about 6 feet of pork loin for me to smoke. :D
Wow Tim...nice score! :)
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