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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Smoked Chicken, Ribs n Twice Baked Tatoes

Had the chance to fill up the drum for quick meals later on!
I spatchcocked the bird, stuffed smoked sausage under the skin, slathered it in duck fat and sprinkled with my cold smoked salt, pepper, garlic blend...

I gave the ribs a head start, they received a simple salt and pepper sprinkle...

Added oiled, salt, pepper and garlic seasoned tatoes, chile sausage and some boudin...

The drum chugged along at 275F...

I removed the sausage and boudin when done and twiced baked some of the tatoes...

Made a glaze for the ribs with my homemade corncob jelly and a dash of cayenne...
The corncob jelly has a "hint" of honey flavor...

I like the way the sausage keeps the chicken moist and adds a bit of flavor...

Everything was tasty.. and it was nice to have some smoked goodies in the freezer for future meals!!

Everything is going great here! Still in a drought and high fire area. Burn ban is in effect.
Things could be worse! No wildfires so far (knock on wood). No tornadoes.... I feel fortunate. 
The weather has caused problems elsewhere. Still wish I could take some of that moisture off your hands in the flood areas! 

The cows are calving and the rest of the critters are fat and happy. Life is good!

Hope everyone else is going well. Thanks for stopping by!


pid said...

looks great. 2 things i took away. its been too long since i've done a spatchcocked chicken, and i need to do full spare ribs again instead of the st. louis style i always do because that meaty rack of ribs looked GOOD. this high fire warning stuff is getting old, hope we all get some moisture or at least the winds drop until it comes. thanks for the cooking inspiration!


cowgirl said...

Great to see you Pid! Thanks!
I'm a fan of the regular full slab of ribs, there's quite a bit of meat on them.
Isn't this drought something else! If I get rain, I'll send some your way.
Hope 2018 is treatin' you well!