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Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Hope everyone has a safe new year's eve. I'm staying home, will have a few snacks and hope I can keep my eyes open until midnight. :)
I'm looking forward to 2014 for some reason. Guess it's best to go into it with a positive attitude than anything else.

Have some pork, Hoppin John fixins and greens ready for tomorrow.
Bring it on 2014, I'm ready! :)


Sunnybrook Farm said...

I am looking forward to the garden and warm weather but I am very concerned about what our government is leading us into, I can see little good coming from it. I suggest that you prepare and enjoy the good stuff as well.

JazzCat said...

Happy New Year Jeanie!

Unknown said...

Want to be the first:
Happy New Year from the other side of the globe!
Stay healthy!

Bushman said...

Sounds delicious!
Happy New Year Jeannie!

Three Dogs BBQ said...

Happy New Year Jeanie. Hope you have a great 2014!

cowgirl said...

Sunnybrook,good advice and I couldn't agree with you more. Folks should be more independent or be able to take care of themselves. I know it's not easy in some areas but a bit of prep is a good thing.
Being raised in the country was a blessing I think. There was no need to go to a store very often. It was a way of life and still is for me. I wouldn't go without a garden and livestock, etc..
Without getting into it to far.....I often wonder when the word "politician" went from being something of honor to something of disrespect to so many people. "of the people and for the people" has been lost.

Sorry for the rant. Hope you have a wonderful 2014!! Looking forward to watching your blog. :)

cowgirl said...

Happy New Year Jazz!! Hope you have the best year ever! :)

cowgirl said...

Happy New Year Rolf!! You are definitely the first from across the ocean. :) Hope you had a great new years eve, I'm sure you cooked something awesome!!
Many (((HUGs))) from Oklahoma. :)

Almost forgot, I have a few things I want to send to you from Dodge City. Will let you know when I get them mailed. :)

cowgirl said...

Bushman thank you!! Hope you have a great 2014! I'm looking forward to seeing what all you're up to. For some reason I can't get signed up on your blog but I follow what you do.
You're living the good life! :)

cowgirl said...

Bill thank you Friend!! Hope you have the best year ever!! :)

Paul said...

Happy New Year Jeanie, still cooking and posting them on Facebook and instagram, not so much on the brethren.

Paul said...

I totally agree with your views Jeanie, good luck to us all.

Mrs. JP said...

Cowgirl, you've got it all... A positive attitude AND pork!! How can this coming year possibly be anything but blessed? Anyway, we sure hope that you are doing well and enjoying your slice of heaven here on earth. Love to you and Happy New Year.

cowgirl said...

Paul thanks, it's good to see you! I am not familiar with instagram but will check into it.
Hope all is well on your end of the world. :)

cowgirl said...

Thank you Mrs JP, you're so sweet!! One of my favorite blog friends. Hope you have a blessed 2014! (((HUGS)))