On a recent trip I came across this old wagon sitting in front of an antique store. It reminded me of my talented cooking friend Rolf in Germany who has built his own chuck wagon.
Rolf and friends are very interested in the "Old West" so I pulled into the shop and snapped a few pics of the wagon.
Looking at the wagon brought thoughts of who and how many people rode in this. I had visions of the wagon loaded down with children, heading to church, or to town for goods.
It was pretty interesting. :)
After checking out the wagon I couldn't resist peeking inside the store to see what other interesting goodies they had.
I ended up buying three cast iron pots that I don't really need....but they were inexpensive and I will put them to good use. :)
Rolf if you ever come to the U.S. you need to check out some of the antique stores. I think you would like them! :)